The Eclipse.AAS.ORG website has a large amount of information and resources for the 2024 Solar Eclipse. Some resources include:
Building a time capsule is a fun and educational activity that can help young students learn about history and science. To commemorate the 2024 solar eclipse, here are some tips on building a time capsule with young students:
First, choose a durable container that can withstand the test of time. Encourage students to bring in items that reflect their current interests, such as drawings, photos, or small trinkets.
Consider including a letter to future students, describing what life was like in 2024 and what they hope the world will be like in the future.
To add an educational component, include relevant news articles or scientific information about the solar eclipse and its significance.
Finally, bury the time capsule in a designated location with clear instructions on when it should be opened (perhaps during the next solar eclipse in 2044). This activity can help young students feel connected to history and science while also fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around them.
Download this Certificate to reward your student for successfully completing classroom lessons, investigations and activities leading up to Eclipse Day.